Hospital Policies

Appointment Policy

  • We operate primarily by appointment.  Occasionally there will be an emergency case that needs to be seen before a scheduled appointment.  We do our best to minimize any wait time that you may encounter.
  • For your convenience, drop off appointments are available. A drop off means you could bring your pet in at the time that works best for you and leave them with us for several hours. The earliest drop off time available is 7:30 am. Once the doctor is done, he/she will give you a call to go over the diagnosis and to give you discharge instructions. 
  • For the safety of all animals in our care, we require that all vaccinations be up to date.
  • Pets must be restrained either on a leash or in a carrier.  Please let the staff know in advance if your pet needs to enter through the back door or go straight into an exam room.

Payment Policy

We take payment at the time of the visit and take all major credit cards, Care Credit, Scratchpay, and cash.

Pet Insurance

Taylor Vet does not endorse or recommend any one pet insurance provider over others. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) has an article that offers a list of providers and questions to ask as you look into pet insurance. Check out this link to find out more.

Privacy Policy

We do not collect or give out any information to any third party vendors or internet businesses. No information will ever be disclosed to outside parties from us. Taylor Veterinary Hospital recognizes the importance of protecting the personal privacy of its clients, its patients and those individuals who simply visit our site. Your privacy is also protected in our hospital.


What are the Hospital hours?

Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm

Saturday 8:30am-10:00am

Sunday - Closed

Do I need to have an appointment?

Yes, patients are seen by appointment.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Cash, Mastercard, Discover, Visa and American Express, Care Credit, Scratchpay.

Do you have payment plans/can I make payments? 

Payment is required at the time of service.  We do work with ScratchPay and Care Credit which offer financing.  Click on the links to find out more information. 

Do you board pets? 

Yes, we have limited boarding but feel free to call for availability!

What are your kennels like?

Our kennels are all indoor. Cots, blankets and food are provided for our boarders.

Can I bring blankets and toys for my dog/cat to have while boarding? 

We don't recommend it because in order to maintain the cleanliness of the kennels, bedding is washed daily and we have no way of tracking individual bedding through the laundry. Toys are a risk for choking or ingestion resulting in emergency surgery. However, we have a waiver you can sign if you would like to leave items that states you are informed of the risks.  

At what age can I have my pet spayed or neutered?

Spaying or neutering can be done at approximately 5 to 6 months of age. Your pet is given an exam prior to surgery to help determine whether your pet is healthy enough to undergo the surgical procedure. We require vaccinations and a fecal sample to be current at the time of surgery. Also a pre-surgical blood screen is recommended prior to undergoing anesthesia and surgery.

Is it a good idea to let my pet have at least one litter of babies?

No, there is no advantage to letting your pet have one litter. However there are plenty of advantages to having your pet spayed or neutered. These advantages include decreasing the chances of prostate cancer, breast tumors, cystic ovaries and uterine infections later in life, decreasing the desire to roam the neighborhood, helping prevent spraying and marking, and also decreases the surplus of unwanted puppies and kittens.

What is pre-surgical blood screening?

This is a blood test that is run in the clinic prior to surgery. It tests kidney and liver functions, blood counts and clotting function of your pet. The pre-surgery blood screening is done to increase safety during surgery and the ability to heal following surgery.  Even healthy appearing animals can have serious organ system problems that cannot be detected without blood testing. It is required for any surgery on a pet that is over 3 years of age, and strongly recommended for any surgery procedure.

Will my pet have stitches?

For some surgeries, we use absorbable sutures underneath the skin. These will dissolve on their own, and do not need to be removed later. Other surgeries do require skin stitches. With either type of suture, you will need to keep an eye on the incision for swelling or discharge. If there are skin sutures, these will usually be removed 10 to 14 days after surgery. You will also need to limit your pet's activity level for a time and no baths are allowed for the first 10 days after surgery.  Most surgical procedures we will send home an E-Collar for your pet to wear during the time they still have stitches. 

Is the anesthetic safe?

We do a thorough physical exam on your pet before administering anesthetics. We also adjust the amount and type of anesthetic used depending on the health of your pet.

Pre-surgical blood testing is important in reducing the risk of anesthesia. Every pet needs blood testing before surgery to ensure that the liver and kidneys can handle the anesthetic.

It is important that surgery be done on an empty stomach to reduce the risk of vomiting during and after anesthesia. You will need to withhold food before surgery, so do not feed your pet after 6:00pm the night before surgery. Water is ok for your pet to have while at home.

Will my pet be in pain?

Anything that causes pain in people can be expected to cause pain in animals. Pets may not show the same symptoms of pain as people do; they usually don't whine or cry, but you can be sure they feel it. Pain medications needed will depend on the surgery performed. Most of our surgery patients receive laser therapy to help decrease pain and speed healing.

For dogs, we recommend an oral anti-inflammatory the day after surgery and several days after to lessen the risk of discomfort and swelling. Dogs receive an injectable pain medicine to help minimize pain after surgery.

We need to be careful what types of pain medicine we use in cats, because cats do not tolerate standard pain medications very well. Recent advances in pain medications have allowed for better pain control in cats than ever before. We use a combination of injectable and oral pain medication to make sure that the cat's pain is under control.

What other decisions do I need to make?

While your pet is under anesthesia, it is the ideal time to perform other minor procedures, such as dentistry, ear cleaning, or implanting a microchip. If you would like an estimate for these extra services, please call ahead of time. This is especially important if the person dropping the pet off for surgery is not the primary decision maker for the pet's care.

When you bring your pet in for surgery, we will need 5 to 10 minutes of time to fill out paperwork. When you pick up your pet after surgery you can also plan to spend about 10 to 15 minutes to go over your pet's home care needs.

What type of reminders do you send?  Paper, email or text?

          At registration, you fill out the form below.  On it, you will be asked if you prefer paper reminders, or to be notified via text or email.   By providing a valid cell phone number, you opt-in to receive appointment confirmation messages.  You may opt out of electronic reminders at any time. 

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