Charlie was born in a puppy mill in New Mexico on December 2nd, 2017. On his first birthday he was rescued but was very malnourished and in bad shape. He only weighed 38 pounds. In an effort to get him healthy enough to be adopted, Charlie was sent to Oklahoma where he started receiving good medical treatment and nourishing food.

In the beginning of April 2019, Charlie was healthy enough to be adopted. Due to the high adoption rate in the Cedar Valley, Charlie was shipped, along with other dogs, to the Cedar Bend Humane Society.  After losing our precious dog Sam on the second of April, my wife and I decided that we had a hole in our hearts that needed to be filled.  On April 12th, after crying for 10 days, we decided to go to Cedar Bend Humane Society just to look. We looked at all the dogs but none of them were the right one. One of the ladies said, “We just got a German Shepherd in from a puppy mill in New Mexico but he's timid and will need a lot of love.”  They brought Charlie into the isolation room with us and said, “This is Mikey.”  My wife took one look at him and said, "You're not a Mikey. You're a Charlie.”

Charlie is now at his proper weight and extremely healthy and happy!  Some people would say that we rescued Charlie but I will assure you that Charlie rescued us. Charlie has bloomed into an amazing dog. Within two weeks he had learned so much that when we hired a professional dog trainer to come to our home he said his work was done. Charlie is my best buddy and when we're not playing, thinks that he's a lap dog. I can't begin to tell you how much love he has brought into
our lives. What I will say is Charlie was sent from God!

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