Pet Poison Awareness Month

In our every day lives it is very easy to overlook household items that pose a risk to your pet's health. Here is a quick reminder of a few poisonous things to keep out of reach of your pets at home:
-Poisons, pesticides, cleaning products, & gardening products
-Food items such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, & garlic
-Certain flowers & plants including lilies, tulips, & daffodils
-Xylitol - a very popular sugar alternative
-Medications including prescriptions for pets & humans as well as over-the-counter medications
-Certain essential oils
If you ever have any question whether or not something may be poisonous or harmful, do not hesitate to give our office a call at 319-277-1883. It is always best to double check in order to keep those loved ones healthy and safe!

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