Pet of the Month - September 2016 - Maggie

My dog is a Miniature Australian Shepherd and her name is Maggie. She was born in February, 2014. I got my dog as a well deserved tax season gift to myself from M-D Mini Aussies located in Iowa in May, 2014. She is a happy go lucky dog with not a mean bone in her. We love taking hikes and walking the bike trials around the Cedar Valley area. She also loves to go to doggie daycare at Happy Dogs Daycare in Waterloo and play with the other dogs and especially one of the owners, Sam. Her favorite toys are anything that squeaks which is fun for a little while to me. She also loves to play fetch with her favorite ball. Her personality includes licking you into submission, giving you the sad brown eyes when she wants something, whining to all ends of the world when she sees someone she likes and jumping up and down and getting up in your face to have you pet her till your arms fall off. She is a great companion and a great dog and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

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