Pet of the Month - July 2016 - Huck!!

Huck came to us in April of 2015 as one of the cutest little tiny creatures we had ever seen.  He was rambunctious and loved playing from the get go.   His brother Smalls went to our good friends and we have really enjoyed watching them growing up!  

We are convinced that Huck loves our 4-year-old cockapoo Bentley more than any other dog loves anything in the world.  Everything that Bentley does, Huck is right by his side.   Huck is very much a morning person and Bentley is very much NOT!!!  This in the beginning was a cause for concern, but Bentley has slowly started enjoying Huck’s morning antics.  

There is nowhere that Huck would rather be than our fenced in back yard chasing rabbits, birds and one particular squirrel who has made it his life ambition to torture our poor boy.  There are daily tail chases that go on for quite a few funny seconds, sometimes minutes.  Despite his best efforts, that darn tail escapes him regularly!!  

Huck has an enormous amount of energy and we have found that the only true way to really tire him out, is to go on trail runs!!  We thought he might be a little distracted with all of wildlife in the beautiful trail systems here in the Cedar Valley, but our little guy puts his nose on that trail and sprints!! I mean sprints!  Mission wear Huck out usually also means we are very exhausted!!  He is quite the trainer!! 

Once tired, our usually high energy, don’t touch me puppy turns into one of the neediest fellas around.  He needs to be snuggling someone as soon as he feels tired.  Huck makes incredible eye contact and has the funniest facial expressions.  He has one of the cutest loudest yawns that we have ever heard. 

Our family is so thankful for everything that Huck brings to our lives.  We can’t imagine life without him!!

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