
As the temperature and humidity rise, your pets are susceptible to heat stroke.  We wanted to share some tips about how to keep your furry family members cool.  Pets can get overheated if the temperatures are high or if your pets are exercising outdoors.  Certain pets are at a greater risk for heatstroke; those with laryngeal paralysis (difficulty breathing because of airway issues), brachycephalic pets (bulldogs, boxers, etc), patient’s with heart disease, overweight pets, or pets with a dark/dense hair coat.  

    If the temperature is warm enough that you are sweating while standing outside, it is best to wait to exercise your pet until early in the morning or later in the evening. Allowing pets to get wet - either a misting with the hose or water in a kids wading pool can also help to keep them cool.

    The signs of heatstroke can occur quickly.  They include: heavy panting, trouble breathing, gums that are blue, purple or bright red, elevated rectal temperature (above 102.5), tiredness, vomiting or diarrhea.  If you see these signs, start treatment immediately and call to get your pet into a veterinarian.  Treatment to start at home: 

  1. Offer water  
  2. Spray the dog with lukewarm water         
  3. Apply alcohol to the foot pads  
  4. Get patient to the veterinarian

Heatstroke is a real and serious problem.  When it occurs, severe internal problems and death can happen in 50% of patients.  Prevention is key, but if your pet is having any problems, give our office a call at 319-277-1883.

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