Pet of the Month - October 2015 - Baby

My name is Baby. I am a 9-year-old Labrador retriever. I assure you that I do not act my age. I love to go swimming, play fetch, and have fun with all my friends. You will probably see me walking around with one of my many tennis balls in my mouth. I really enjoy sleeping in bed and cuddling with my Mom. I leave her some space to sleep but humans don’t need as much room as dogs do. Oh and did I mention I really really love my toys? I play with them all the time and make Mom wash them if they get gross. I live on 140 acres of land, which gives me all the space I need to run. We go for long walks to our pond. This pond is super cool and full of fish. That means I get to smell everything and sometimes roll in things I shouldn’t. That means bath time. Oh man : /! 

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