Pet of the Month - July 2015 - Lambeau

Hello, my name is Lambeau Vincent Drewelow. It’s obvious that I’m a handsome, good looking young man; but there’s also a few other things I’d like to tell you about myself. I was born on January 8th of 2015, So I’m a Capricorn (for any of you single ladies out there who care about your man’s sign). Some of my favorite things to do are play with my orange squeaky monkey, pick on my big sister Maibel, pig out like it’s my job, and cuddle up on my mommies lap and have her wrap me up in my green fuzzy blanket I stole from my human sister. I’m almost fully potty trained and can already do a few tricks! I’m what you would call a GENIUS! For all you single lady pups out there I should warn you; I’m a little high maintenance. I LOVE my baths and expect them quite frequently. After I’ve had my fun of sitting in the water and shoving my face in it getting my human sister all wet, I make them fully dry me off. Not just with a towel, definitely not good enough. They have to get out the blow dryer and make sure my fur is nice and dry. It makes my fur softer. You’ll thank me later when we cuddle my future girlfriend;) I also like long walks around the block.

P.S.- I’m accepting girlfriend applications, so hit me up!

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