Pet of the Month - April 2015 - Bentley

Bentley is a fun and loving dog who is just 11 months old. His owners Tyler and Christy got him last year when they were searching for a good fit hunting dog. Bentley was Tyler and Christy's first dog and they are sure that he will bring them many memories throughout the years as he is happy and obeys any command. Bentley loves to go on bike rides, chase the 4-wheeler, and play fetch. He is very active at his home in Waverly, and loves to play with anyone and any animal especially their cat Boston.  Bentley is not one to be afraid of the water as he usually waits for his bath to be run and likes to play in the pool. In addition he enjoys traveling to Northeast Iowa as he gets to run around on the farm and test out his hunting skills. When his owners were looking for a new puppy they saw his picture on the internet and knew he was the right fit for their family. When they first took him home, he never chewed anything up and instantly wanted to be by their side wherever they went.  Bentley loves going to Taylor Vet as he is excited to see Dr. Smith and Lacey to give them hugs and only eat their red treats out of the jar.

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